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How to get fit while you shop

Shopping workouts are the latest exercise craze gripping the nation with fitness fans squatting, curling and pressing their way around.
It was the fictional character Carrie Bradshaw who so honestly admitted that shopping is in fact her cardio workout and that’s why she couldn’t make the switch to online shopping — so why not get yourself a workout in while you buy the essentials?
Shopping workouts are the latest exercise craze gripping the nation with hundreds of fitness fans squatting, curling and pressing their way around in an attempt to stay fit, reports
Clued up shoppers could be burning their way through up to 800 calories during an average shop.
That means twice weekly shoppers can burn 1,600 calories a week, or 83,200 calories per year.
Experts from shopping website have come up with some exercises for shoppers who want to feel the burn.
Squats – bending to the bottom shelf: Instead of bending over to reach the lower shelved items in the supermarket, try sitting back into a squat.
Calories burnt: 51 calories in 10 minutes equivalent to one cookie
Calf raises – reaching up to the top shelf: When reaching for items on the top shelves, do some calf raises to strengthen the backs of your legs and shoulders. The exercise will also tone your calves.
Calories burnt: 34 calories in 10 minutes equivalent to one treacle toffee.
Arm curls – with tins: Arm curls don’t have to just be restricted to lifting heavy weights in the gym, and can actually help improve your posture all whilst strengthening and toning your arms.
Calories burnt: 80 calories for 10 minutes work, equivalent to a chocolate digestive biscuit.
Lunge – pushing the trolley: Pushing a trolley for an average 40-minute shop will burn 160 calories alone, which is the same amount as a large glass of rose wine. However, to help tone your legs, thighs and quadriceps, try performing lunges while walking around the supermarket and using your shopping trolley to lean on.
Calories burnt : 317 for a 40 minute shop or one cheeseburger
Side lunges – reaching into the chiller cabinet: Side lunges are a great exercise for working your side abdominals, thighs, bum and hamstrings all at the same time. This doesn’t burn a lot of calories but is great for toning those muscles.
Calories burnt: 20 calories or one mint.
Leg raises – while browsing: Leg raises are another exercise that can be done to work your thighs and quads. This move is perfect for doing whilst in the queue to pay or browsing items, and will also do wonders for your core stability and balance. To increase the workout, try lifting your legs up as high as you can to crunch your abs at the same time.
Calories burnt: 70 calories or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Arm raises – with bottles of water: Arm raises with bottles of water is a great alternative to lifting dumbbells in the gym and will tone your biceps a treat.

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