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Harvard researching on what makes Indian engineers so tolerant to jokes on themselves

 A group of professors and students at Harvard University Psychology Department are researching on what makes Indian engineers so tolerant to jokes on themselves.
The ongoing research is a part of their larger program where they are finding ways to raise tolerance level of societies across the world.

Enlightened brain of an Indian engineer
“It’s not easy at all to take jokes on yourself, but we came to know that Indian engineers are one of those rare species present on Earth who are successfully doing this for years, and that too without taking any kind of psychological training. It’s really amazing,” said research team head Dr. Albert Pinto while addressing a group of engineering students at Baba Bhandari Institute of Technology in Agra.
AICTE chairperson Dr. Anil Bhatia, who was accompanying researcher team credited huge population of unemployable engineers for this psychological feat.
“Engineers in other part of world are not so devalued as in India. This has resulted into smaller ego in Indian engineers, which of course is the first step towards enlightenment. It’s because of that they are able to laugh at themselves,” explained Dr. Anil Bhatia.
He also applauded the role of AICTE for accrediting so many engineering colleges across India.
The research team has even published their first report on the study with title ‘When went right in evolution of Indian engineers’. Report cites the sudden boom in number of engineering colleges in late 1990s as a turning point in evolution of Indian engineers.
“Prior to that, there was pride attached with engineering profession; their houses used to be big, they were earning more bucks. But private engineering college boom resulted into mass level production of engineers and soon it was a devalued profession,” Mark Henry, a member of research team said.
The dawn of 21st century saw Indian engineers feeling belittled and useless, and to keep themselves happy they began cracking jokes on themselves, the research paper claims.
Meanwhile, Indian engineering students were excited and proud after being told about their hidden talent and virtue.
“I never knew that I am so special. It’s a Taare Zameen Par moment for me. Now I will crack more jokes on myself,” said a final year engineering student, Bhupesh Sharma. Soon he updated his Facebook status, which read, “I am still a virgin. Even jokes couldn’t screw me! LOL!”

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