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WhatsApp introduces Rahul Gandhi’s mysterious grin as a smiley

After Rahul Gandhi introduced a new set of emotion by displaying a mysterious smile on the election results day, WhatsApp has decided to capture that emotion and release it as a smiley.
This comes a couple of years after Rahul Gandhi was made an icon by Microsoft.
To make sure that the Rahul smiley/emoji is used in proper situations while chatting, the mobile messenger has released a set of instructions to its users. Faking News has accessed them exclusively for our readers:

The public note announcing and explaining the latest emoticon
Rahul Gandhi fails
A sample conversation that can end with the smiley
The family problem
All is not within the family? No problem, Rahul Gandhi’s smiley can make it appear better.
The medical problem
With Rahul Gandhi smiley, you can break the worst of the news without much trouble.

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I'm Sreekanth. I am a Android Developer in Mobile IT Compny, and I am enjoying by creting blogs and sharing useful information.

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